The last of these two quilts was finished on my birthday, September 30, 2008. That was the deadline for entries into this traveling show, "My World in Black and White". The show catalog has now been printed. I've just been given permission to show my entries.
Artistic Statement: Mom has been in fragile health since her 92 birthday when she suffered a crippling stroke. Knowing her time is extremely limited, I've found myself remember how she was when living on the farm, her home for over 60 years. This is a memory of her at 90 years of age.
Mom and the fruit were painted on a sheer fabric and then overlaid and quilted so that the underlying fabric comes through to add pattern and 'texture'. All of the other fabric pieces were torn. The farm scene was made by thread painting. The whole piece was framed in velvet which in person gives it a lot of depth and textural contrast to the other fabrics. Size 33" wide x 42.5" high."Ballet Trio"
26" high x 29" wide
26" high x 29" wide
Artistic statement: As a child I took ballet until the end of High School. That was my joy. I still LOVE watching wonderful ballet performances. Now because of physical limitations, I only dream of ballet. This is my dream.
The ballerina on stage was painted; ballet slippers are 3 dimensional with construction and fabrics similar to the way I remember mine were made; satin with satin ribbon ties.
The ballerina on stage was painted; ballet slippers are 3 dimensional with construction and fabrics similar to the way I remember mine were made; satin with satin ribbon ties.