Wednesday, April 1, 2015


This is truly an April fool joke on me.  I've seen wisps of snow in April and May and even June.  However, I've never seen piles of snow like this so late in the year.  Of course this has been the worst winter I've ever seen in my life.

View Up the Driveway

Close View of Above

View Toward my Kitchen Windows

This is the entrance I use.  The 'stick' on the far left of the snow pile, is what is left of my lilac tree.  I hired someone to chop the snow off the driveway until it got near the planting areas.  

View from the Garage toward the Street.

The fence is ~6' high.  The horizontal just below the lattice is ~5'.  The four units here share two raised planting beds.  One person is anxious to know who wants to participate this year because she is anxious to start seeds in preparation for spring planting.  Another person is anxious to share a space as soon as spring arrives.  He thinks that may be July.  Hope he is wrong.  It has been a hard winter.  I just hope the tree listing toward the driveway can be saved.  I planted it in 1999.  Thanksgiving Day the slush storm uprooted it and it was laying across the driveway.  I was able to get it semi-upright, tied it up until the snow encased the area.  Do not ever want to experience another winter like this!